The 90 Day Plan

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 4

Please PASS on PLASTICS (most common form of marine pollution)
the majority of plastic waste comes in the form of disposable plastic bottles and bags

Even if you dispose of a plastic container in the recycle bin, chances are, it will end up in a landfill, or worse…when it comes down to it, LESS THAN 4% OF PLASTICS ARE RECYCLED.

WHY? Lack of DEMAND and generally, it is less expensive to use virgin plastic as opposed to recycled plastic. Generational loss is another factor--that means each time plastic is reprocessed it breaks down whereas glass or metal can be recycled almost indefinitely.

Be the solution to plastic pollution: Stop using disposable PLASTIC BOTTLES ►

Challenge: A Plastic Island???
Look up the Central Pacific Gyre. what can you do today to ensure that it does not expand?

Take the Plastics Pledge:

Count how many disposable plastic products you use today! It all adds up.

For More Information:


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