The 90 Day Plan

Friday, July 31, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 40

DAY 40


Because there can be a high cost to low prices.

FAIR TRADE means that the product has been certified to ensure it was produced in a manner to keep environmental, social, and consumer standards high.

BUY FAIR TRADE certified products--coffee is one of the most common products. I

Challenge: What began the Fair Trade Movement? Why is important to know the origin of products you purchase?

For More Information:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 39

DAY 39


It is amazing how much effort goes into transporting food--have you considered what goes into food production?

Our water, especially in the Mississippi is heavily-laden with fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Buying organic ensures that food is grown pesticide & herbicide free and with natural fertilizers.

Some organic foods can cost more--use this list to know what to buy if you're on a budget to reduce consumption of herbicides & pesticides:

Pesticides & herbicides harm aqua-culture, they're hazardous to our health, and fertilizers have created a huge dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.

Challenge: Research Atrazine and why this powerful herbicide is banned in most countries--except for the US.

For More Information:!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?navtype=SU&navid=EDUCATION_OUTREACH

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 38

DAY 38


Support your community and BUY LOCAL. Most areas have a weekly farmers market--when is yours?

While we’re at it, buy American; our environmental standards are a lot higher than most other countries and right now, we need to keep as much revenue as possible at home.

Check out what these guys are doing:

See how far your food travels:

Challenge: Where is the closest farmer’s market? Have you considered joining a community supported agriculture co-op? A healthy diet supports a healthy environment--it can also support your local economy...

For More Information:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

DAY 37


Most food travels thousands of miles before reaching your plate. Slash emissions by making sure the produce you buy is in-season--this is good for the local farmers too!

Challenge: Most produce stickers list the country of origin; calculate the total distance all of the your produce traveled in order to reach your home.

For More Information:

Monday, July 27, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 36

DAY 36


Scientists estimate that if current fishing practices continue, commercial fishery stocks will collapse around 2040!

This is largely due to bycatch. Bycatch is the unintended landing of a non-target species. In short it means that for every 4 fish caught, 1 is discarded as waste.

Choices we make as consumers influence the product we buy. It is estimated that five-billion pounds of fish are pulled from the oceans every day and 25% of this is discarded as waste.

Next time you BUY FISH, send the right message to fisherman practicing sustainable methods.

Before you buy another fish, use this link to help make informed choices:

Look for the MSC label too:

Challenge: Write your member of congress:
and/or senators: to advocate Marine Protected Areas and National Marine Sanctuaries:

These areas are protected from fishing and ensure a healthy environment for fish to reproduce.

For More Information:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 35

DAY 35


When you boil water on the stove, you've probably noticed that it takes awhile to heat even that small amount of water. Imagine what it takes to heat a 50-gallon+ water heater!

That's the average size of a conventional household water heater.

There are many things you can do to insulate your water heater and make it more efficient--use the following link to see what cost saving options may be best for you:

Challenge: If it is time to replace the water heater, have you considered a ‘tankless’ or On-Demand option? How much more efficient would a ‘tankless’ heater be for your household than the conventional heater?

For More Information:

Visit the Blog at Monty's Plumbing for more green plumbing and gray water conservation tips.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 34

DAY 34


Keep you car(s) TUNED-UP. Properly maintaining vehicle will increase overall efficiently and lifespan. Better mileage means fewer emissions and fewer emissions means a healthier planet.

Check your tire pressure monthly--this keeps your vehicle rolling and ensures the best MPGs.

A dirty air filter can rob your vehicle of power and efficiency--this should be changed every 10,000 miles or so.

Use the proper octane--premium gas isn't for all vehicles, make sure it's right for your vehicle.

The list goes on...

Best of all, the most effective ways to improve your vehicle's efficiency are things you can do with little or no automotive experience.

Challenge: Using the link below, if you were to properly tune-up a car, how much could you increase the fuel-economy of your vehicle(s)?

For More Information:

Friday, July 24, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 33

DAY 33

TAKE IT TO THE CAR WASH! The car wash yeah!

Over NINETY-percent of oil in our oceans comes from the land (streets, parking lots, and driveways in particular)!

USE the CAR WASH instead of washing vehicles in the driveway. Most commercial car washes process or send rinse water containing grease, oil, detergents, and other gunk to a treatment facility.

I learned a lot about the benefits of using a commercial car wash when the owners of PWS Truck Wash in Hammond, IN helped me with a roadside jeep repair (thanks guys)!

Once in the water oil, gasoline, and other hydrocarbons can sicken and kill marine life.

One quart of oil can contaminate over 1,000 gallons of water!

Challenge: If you are a doityourselfer (DIY) figure out a method to use the least amount of water and detergent and a way to keep the water from flowing into the storm drain.

For More Information:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 32

DAY 32

The clothes dryer is a major appliance and it accounts for a sizeable percentage of your home’s energy bill.

Find a way to HANG it on the LINE today.

Besides, dryers wear-out clothes more than the washing machine, this step will also help to

Challenge: Make a list of items that would be easiest to hang on a clothesline and scout a place to have one in your yard for rest of summer.

For More Information:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 31

DAY 31


Another way to save energy while using the washing machine is to WASH with COLD WATER. Most detergents are formulated to work with cold water (make sure your detergent is Phosphorus free--this reduces algal blooms).

Even switching the water temperature from hot to warm will cut energy use by about half.

Challenge: Conventional chlorine production creates mercury as a byproduct--prevent water contamination by only using non-chlorine bleach.

For More Information:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 30

DAY 30


Washing machines and dishwashers are great devices; just make sure to run them FULLY LOADED.

These appliances use a lot of energy and water; dishwashers use between 20-30 gallons per wash and washing machines use between 40-55 gallons.

Challenge: Hold off on running these appliances during and shortly after storms. This is because waste-water treatment plants need to process large quantities of water during storms and this is a way to ease the burden and prevent untreated discharges.

For More Information:

Monday, July 20, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 29

DAY 29

KNOW WHAT'S IN YOUR HOME (and ways to properly dispose of hazardous household waste)

Every year, households in America tend to generate about 100 pounds of Hazardous Household Waste (HHW).

KNOW WHAT is in YOUR HOME! HHW ranges from: paints and drain cleaners to fluorescent bulbs and used motor oil. Go through your home to investigate and tally HHW sources. By checking under sinks, in cabinets, the basement and garage you will find the majority of HHW.

Using the EPA link below, you can learn more about HHW and proper disposal methods.

Challenge: Choose three standard cleaning products that are considered HHW and find a way to replace them with a safer alternative. Example: a plunger is an alternative to harsh chemicals used to un-clog drains.

Also, I cleaned a slow kitchen drain yesterday by pouring baking soda and vinegar down the rain--followed by a kettle of boiling water (it worked much better than the drano my mom tried a few days ago)!

For More Information:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 28

DAY 28

DOWNLOAD MUSIC and other files as opposed to printing, burning CDs, DVDs, etc

With the variety of audio options on the rise, opt to DOWNLOAD music, movies, and other files instead of burning them to a disc.

CD’s, DVD’s, and their protective jewel cases are made of plastic and last I heard, it wasn’t the best thing for our planet.

Speaking of music, songs have done a lot for the water. For instance, Pete Seeger helped clean the Hudson River through, The Power of Song."

Challenge: What can we learn from Pete? How can we apply what he has done for the Hudson to the Mississippi River? Any takers? It could be a lot of fun!

For More Information:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 27

DAY 27


Power plants across the country use 136 billion gallons of freshwater everyday

Compare that to 4 billion gallons for home use.

Saving energy ultimately saves water; encourage your family to invest in ENERGY STAR appliances before their next purchase.

By 2013, thirty-six states are anticipating water shortages at the local, regional, or statewide level.

Is your state???

Challenge: Conventional energy production uses a lot of water, desalination uses a lot of energy; essentially, it takes water to make water. Research why is desalination not currently cost-effective for most parts of the world and see for yourself why water reclamation a better option.

For More Information:

Friday, July 17, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 26

DAY 26


Prevent Your Household From Losing Money

It might not seem like a big problem but small leaks in your home can really add up...

Here's how much you could be losing with average leaks:

20 gallons per day 1 toilet

1faucet 50 gallons per day

20 GALLONS X 30 DAYS = a lot of stolen water

Prevent Your Household From Losing Money

—don’t forget to check for leaks in your basement and outside-

Challenge: Municipalities that provide water lose, on average, 10-20% of water to leaks in the system. Call your water district and ask, how much water they are losing to leakage? Are they doing anything to perform infrastructure repair?

For More Information:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 25

DAY 25


It’s one of the best ways to assess your energy and water use.

A good way to do this is by making a spreadsheet and logging all of your utility bills every month. This will only take a few minutes and could $$$AVE you big!

This will give you a good visualization of where your $$$ is going, and as you make changes in your usage you track the impact to see how worthwhile your efforts are. They'll pay off--it all adds up!

Challenge: Is it more practical to make your current appliances more efficient or replace them with high efficiency models? Look into the cost of the appliances vs. money saved.

For More Information:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 24

DAY 24


It is amazing how simple saving water can be.

For instance try the toilet tank trick find a plastic bottle to reuse (a ½ gallon jug works well) fill it with sand, pebbles, or pennies, cap it and place it in the toilet tank. This works by displacing, and saving, the volume of water with a solid object.

Note: It is not recommended that you use a brick because it can break down and clog the fixture--if you do use a brick, place it in a Ziplock Bag.

Challenge: Figure out what type of wastewater treatment service does your home use?

What level is effluent treated and where does it go after processing?

Have you considered a dual-flush or high efficiency toilet?

For More Information:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 23

DAY 23


These days, it's more than ever to have some motivation.

My college degree is signed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, but your hero doesn’t necessarily have to be a Superhero.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; it is important to admire someone for taking a stand and making a difference in our world.

Challenge: Who looks up to you? Do something extraordinary to show them your true colors.

For More Information:

Nothing tells the story of adventure more than, Life on the Mississippi River by: Mark Twain. How did Twain get his name?

Monday, July 13, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 22

DAY 22

PICK-UP AFTER YOUR PET… to keep the water clean

Pet waste contains harmful bacteria, including E-coli.

This type of runoff contributes to the build-up of nutrients in the water

Additionally it can decrease oxygen levels ultimately leading to algae blooms and fish kills.

If you or someone you know is considering a new pet encourage them to adopt from a shelter instead of a breeder, and especially not a ‘puppy mill.’

For More Information:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 21

DAY 21


..once it’s gone, it’s gone..

Seldom does development reverse itself.

Even In Today’s Economic Climate, Land Values Are On The Rise


BY patronizing your parks, forests, and preserves you are helping to ensure their future.


Open lands and forests are definitely important for our planet’s health; visit a local wetland to see for yourself what they do for our water. Use the link below to find a place to visit...

For More Information:

Saturday, July 11, 2009

THE 90-Day Plan: DAY 20

DAY 20


If you don’t need it, don’t buy it.

Living ‘sustainably’ = providing for current needs without jeopardizing future resources..

Interaction is a core concept of ecology; it is crucial that we thoughtfully manage our resources and Interact in a way that builds positive relationships.

Challenge: They say possession is 90% ownership. In kindergarden we learned to share--what if I told you that sharing is an ecological act? Would you do it more often???

Read "A Sand County Almanac" by Aldo Leopold.

For More Information:

Friday, July 10, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 19

DAY 19


Choosing products that promote QUALITY OVER QUANTITY is a core approach to conservation. The idea is to buy and use something that lasts because it ultimately saves money and precious resources.

Challenge: Consider the durable items you have (it could be a sturdy backpack, pair of jeans, a bike, or anything else). How much money do you think not having to replace them has saved you? Watch "The Story of Stuff":

For More Information:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 18

DAY 18


Our economy is not in the best shape; now that you have switched daily purchases, consider a few sustainable longer-term investments.

SUSTAINABILITY means providing for our current needs without jeopardizing our future needs...

Challenge: Has misuse of our natural resources adversely impacted our economy? Support one or two sustainable industries with your investment.

For More Information:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 17

DAY 17


Purchasing a product grants the company that made it your approval. MONEY TALKS so LET it SPEAK for the PLANET.

If the top 100 companies reduced their carbon-dioxide emissions by 5%, it would be the equivalent of taking twenty-five million cars off the road.

Consumer spending creates 70% of our economy--IT ALL ADDS UP!

Challenge: Using figure out 3 products you can swap out for a better alternative.

For More Information:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 16

DAY 16


Have you ever considered what it takes to make a t-shirt or a pair of jeans? Figure out a way to start wearing your commitment to conservation ON YOUR SLEVE.

The next time you purchase clothing, try to buy organic cotton or make a purchase from a second-hand store. The pesticides and herbicides used to grow cotton are especially gnarley because they are not regulated the same way as pesticides and herbicides used on food crops! With that said, it still impacts our drinking water...

Challenge: What is domoic acid, how does it impact marine life, and what does that have to do with fertilizer application in agriculture? OR What is cyanobacteria and how can it impact your health?

For More Information:

Monday, July 6, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 15

DAY 15


As a reminder: 75% of electricity in the US is from fossil fuels, the ocean naturally absorbs carbon dioxide but in excess, carbonic acid forms and is partly responsible for the degradation of coral reefs, and emissions from coal burning power plants are a prime source of mercury in our waters.

With that said, reduce your electric use and have some fun in the sun.

Challenge: During the summer, storms can travel quickly and lightning can strike even if the storm is far in the distance. Using the bottom link, inform yourself and your friends about storm safety.

For More Information:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 14

DAY 14

CUT THE JUNK and SODA ….For today,.

Besides the “obvious” benefits to avoiding junk food and soda,

…A second reason to reconsider… It usually comes in plastic packaging (most common form of marine debris).

A typical American’s daily diet requires close to 2,000 gallons of water to produce.

limiting your intake of junk food and soda is a simple way to reduce the amount of water used in your diet.

Challenge: Substitute honey for sugar—sugarcane plantations often replace valuable wetlands. Difficult to beat diseases and the overuse of pesticides are serious and ever-present threats to bee colonies; what would happen if bees were to go extinct?

For More Information:

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 13

DAY 13


We learned that it takes10 cal energy, for 1 cal of food

Fast food is packed with calories.

It took a large amount of energy to produce it

We also learned that disposable plastic is a bad thing and most fast food is heavily packaged.

Further incentive: One-third of Americans are considered obese

How do you feel after eating fast food?

Challenge: Cut back on fast food. Try to cut one fast food chain from your diet. Choose an alternative restaurant, healthy fast food is possible.

For More Information:

Watch : Super Size Me

Read: Fast Food Nation

Friday, July 3, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 12

DAY 12


Most doctors agree that a diet low in calories is healthy for you, but did you know that a diet lower in calories is healthy for our planet?

Wasting food has environmental consequences--The typical American diet requires about 10 calories of fossil fuel to produce 1 calorie of food!

This includes production, distribution, and transportation. It all adds up!

Challenge: Write the country of origin, means of transportation, and method of preparation for all of the food you ate today?

For More Information:
Read: Diet for a Small Planet

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 11

DAY 11

TAKE A QUICK SHOWER…it’s one of the easiest ways to save water

showers flow around 2 to 3.5 Gallons Per Minute


.....just one shower can use at least 20-40 gallons of water.....

Reducing your shower time by one or two minutes can save hundreds of gallons of water every month. Turning off the water when you later is an easy way to save too.

Showers tend to use less water than baths; if you take a bath, place the stopper in first and let the water heat as it fills

Remember to SHUT-OFF water when you are brushing your teeth and washing-up


If you switched to an efficient showerhead, how long would it take for the savings to pay for itself?

For More Information:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 10

DAY 10


Just as Phantom Loads increase energy costs, wasting water also adds up.

Saving water saves energy, saving energy also saves water—funny how that works. Just as the demand for water spikes in the summer, the demand energy also tends to peak in the summer. SPREAD THE WORD about why water and energy conservation is important for a sustainable future.

The average American uses more than 100 gallons of water every day. Remember to SHUT-OFF water when you are brushing your teeth and washing-up.

DId you know over 20% of electricity in California is used to transport water?

Challenge: What is your source(s) of water, how is it purified, and how far must it travel to your tap?
America has about 5% of the world’s population, yet we emit about 30% of the world’s greenhouse gasses; list two myths and two realities of climate change.

For More Information: