The 90 Day Plan

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 10

DAY 10


Just as Phantom Loads increase energy costs, wasting water also adds up.

Saving water saves energy, saving energy also saves water—funny how that works. Just as the demand for water spikes in the summer, the demand energy also tends to peak in the summer. SPREAD THE WORD about why water and energy conservation is important for a sustainable future.

The average American uses more than 100 gallons of water every day. Remember to SHUT-OFF water when you are brushing your teeth and washing-up.

DId you know over 20% of electricity in California is used to transport water?

Challenge: What is your source(s) of water, how is it purified, and how far must it travel to your tap?
America has about 5% of the world’s population, yet we emit about 30% of the world’s greenhouse gasses; list two myths and two realities of climate change.

For More Information:

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