The 90 Day Plan

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The 90-Day Plan: DAY 69

DAY 69


The best way to do this is to refrain from feeding wildlife and waterfowl--you can keep the bird feeders though.

Feeding wildlife is highly discouraged because it causes animals to lose their natural fear of humans. This makes them more aggressive

Feeding waterfowl in particular can spread diseases such as botulism!

Plus, human food can make them sick--we don't want that.

If you want to help animals, the best thing you can do is advocate for native plants and open-lands to promote biodiversity. This will allow animals to feed themselves.


Encourage your local municipality to place signs to not feed waterfowl and take measures to discourage large populations by allowing grasses along the shores of lakes to grow long and allowing lakes to freeze in the winter.

For More Information:

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